There are two sides to every story

There are two sides to every story

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Substance Abuse and Uncontrolled breeding.

The biggest human evil is lack of discipline.

One can clearly see how this lack of discipline plays out within humanity if we examine two criteria: substance abuse and uncontrolled breeding.

Substance abuse and the uncontrolled breeding are two of the biggest evils among humanity.

Humanity is out of control.

Humanity is becoming a pest or a plague.   It pollutes the globe, creates an imbalance in nature and replaces all other lifeforms.   It is even killing each other for supremacy.    Three quarters of the human population can barely sustain itself.

Substance Abuse


Every time one takes drugs or abuse alcohol, one hands ones brain over to an unknown entity.
Most accidents on the road and crime have a history of substance abuse.
Can anyone afford to hand the control of ones life's destiny over to substance - even for one minute?
Photo Albums:
The side-effects of drug and alcohol abuse
Too many people

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