There are two sides to every story

There are two sides to every story

Monday, November 17, 2014


All children need the opportunity to enjoy life in a carefree manner


Life a learning experience

You learn from our mistakes.

Forgive yourself and move on.

Cry, my Beloved Country

Crime, violence, corruption, rape and murder are everyday occurrences in South Africa.
One day this phase in our history will also pass.
It is the responsibility of the leaders and educators to become good roll models.
We need to become very aware what news media we expose the general public and children to.
Children need to know the truth and they need to learn to think about what they read and see and not just accept it as fact.
Daytime television should be of such a nature that it builds good character.

"Cry, the Beloved Country is a novel by South African author Alan Paton. It was first published in New York City in 1948"

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Winning teams

Sport is the best way to build patriotism and morale.

..... but only if the government does not interfere and bring racism into it.
Let the best man compete so that the best team can win.


Problems are easier solved if you have a support group.
Remember relationships are a two-way street.
It requires giving more than you receive.


The latest CRIME WAVE
The first world dealt with this type of crime a few decades ago.

South Africa can learn from their methods to curb gang criminology.

Wildlife conservation goes wrong

Animals need water to survive, but when they leave the area in search of water for survival, they are killed by those who are supposed to care for them.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Substance Abuse and Uncontrolled breeding.

The biggest human evil is lack of discipline.

One can clearly see how this lack of discipline plays out within humanity if we examine two criteria: substance abuse and uncontrolled breeding.

Substance abuse and the uncontrolled breeding are two of the biggest evils among humanity.

Humanity is out of control.

Humanity is becoming a pest or a plague.   It pollutes the globe, creates an imbalance in nature and replaces all other lifeforms.   It is even killing each other for supremacy.    Three quarters of the human population can barely sustain itself.

Substance Abuse


Every time one takes drugs or abuse alcohol, one hands ones brain over to an unknown entity.
Most accidents on the road and crime have a history of substance abuse.
Can anyone afford to hand the control of ones life's destiny over to substance - even for one minute?
Photo Albums:
The side-effects of drug and alcohol abuse
Too many people